You can load from either a bank account or credit card. With credit cards, your funds are immediately available. With your bank, it takes 7 business days for funds to be available.
The $5 per $100 fee is for inital load and any eventual reloads from your bank account or CC. There is no fee assessed when you cash out from a poker site back to Epassporte. Wish it didn't have the fee, but if you are a winning player, it should only be a one time initial start up expense for the account.
Epassporte does not charge for EFT cash outs back to your checking account. If you want to cashout at ATM's, their Electron card is available for $35 per year. You load it from your regular account, and Epass charges $2 per ATM withdrawal.
As for whether Epassporte will continue to have EFT's available, they have one thing in their favor that Neteller never had. They are a prepaid Visa debit card, and marketed as such. In addition to personal accounts, they offer business acounts, gift cards, etc. It seems unlikely ACH's will start blocking EFT's to prepaid Visa card companies, as there are a large number of them, and prepaid cards are popular.